My hobby is collecting old computing machinery - especially machines from the former DIGITAL-Equipment-Corporation. The following pages show some of the machines in the collection as well as technical data, tips and tricks, etc. If you hear about an obsolete computer in my area (Germany), please let me know so I can try to rescue the machine from scrap! As a serious computer collector, I follow the Classic Computer Collector's Code of Conduct (CCCC), which you can find here. Collecting old computers is sometimes difficult when one tries to get the machines back to working condition since spares are often no longer available or very expensive. So there is a wish list of items I would love to have. If you have one of the items in this list, please drop me a note - I will happily pay shipping or whatever is appropriate. (By the way - I am always looking for slide rules, circular slide rules and mechanical calculators.) By the way - the following list is not a trade or swap list! It is not that I am greedy and do not want to part with my machines. It is that these machines are the heart of my collection and I definitely will not give them away (under normal circumstances). If there is something you need desparately, send me an email, maybe we can arrange something, maybe I have the system twice, but normally these machines are definitely not for sale. |
The following section will eventually contain entries for most of the machines in my collection, but currently there are only a few items to select from. The collection contains literally hundreds of machines and computing artifacts but I seldom find time to take pictures and write some text so this section will evolve quite slowly. Sorry for the inconvenience! |
The following entries belong to machines which are not mine, but which I have known or to which I am somehow connected mentally. :-) More to come... |
There was an exhibition of old DEC computing equipment which was shown at the 20th German DECUS symposium, held from April the 14th to April the 18th 1997 at the MARITIM hotel, Bonn. Most of the machines shown at this occasion were from my collection and two of the computers were up and running all the time, so visitors could play and remember the "good old days":
On the following page there are some pictures of the exhibition. I want to express my thanks to Herrn Norbert Wiehl for idea to make this exhibition and his unvaluable help and the lots of time he invested in this project. |
ulmann@vaxman.de, 24-JUN-2007 |